東京裁判判決を読む(Chapter VIII Conventional War Crimes (Atrocities) )3

東京裁判判決文第8章「通例の戦争犯罪」の3つ目の節は「Captives Taken in the China War Were Treated as Bandits」すなわち「中国での戦争で捕らえた捕虜は盗賊として扱った」である。

Captives Taken in the China War Were Treated as Bandits

The Japanese Delegate at Geneva, in accepting the resolution of the League of Nations of 10 December 1931, setting up the Lytton Commission and imposing a virtual truce, stated that his acceptance was based on the understanding that the resolution would not preclude the Japanese Army from taking action against "bandits" in Manchuria. It was under this exception to the resolution that the Japanese Military continued hostilities against the Chinese troops in Manchuria. They maintained that no state of war existed between Japan and China; that the conflict was a mere "incident" to which the laws of war did not apply; and that those Chinese troops who resisted the Japanese Army were not lawful combatants, but were merely "bandits." A ruthless campaign for the extermination of these "bandits" in Manchuria was inaugurated.


1931年12月10日の国際連盟決議(リットン調査団(the Lytton Commission)の設置と戦闘停止)を受け入れたジュネーブ(連盟)の日本代表は、満州の「匪賊(bandits)」に対する日本軍の軍事行動を妨げるものではないという理解を前提として、日本がこの決議を受け入れることを表明した。この例外規定の下で、日本軍は満州中国軍に対する敵対行動を継続した。日本は、日中間に戦争状態は存在せず、紛争は単なる「事変」であり戦時国際法は適用されず、日本軍に抵抗する中国軍は合法的な戦闘員ではなく、単なる「匪賊」であるという態度を維持した。満州のこれら「匪賊」を絶滅させるために冷酷な作戦が展開された。


Although the main Chinese Army withdrew within the Great Wall at the end of 1931, resistance to the Japanese Army was constantly maintained by widely dispersed units of Chinese volunteers. The Kwantung Army Intelligence Service listed a large number of so-called Chinese route-armies, which in 1932 formed the subdivisions of the volunteer armies. These volunteer armies were active in the areas around Mukden, Haisheng and Yingkow. in August 1932, fighting broke out in the immediate vicinity of Mukden. At the height of the fighting at Mukden on 8 August 1932, Vice-Minister of War KOISO was appointed Chief-of-Staff of the Kwantung Army and also Chief of its Intelligence Service. He served in that capacity until 5 March 1934. On 16 September 1932, the Japanese forces in pursuit of defeated Chinese volunteer units arrived at the towns of Pingtingshan, Chienchinpao and Litsekou in the vicinity of Fushun. The inhabitants of these towns were accused of harboring the volunteers or "bandits" as they were called by the Japanese. In each town, the Japanese troops assembled people along ditches and forced them to kneel; they then killed these civilians, men, women and children, with machine guns; those who survived the machine-gunning being promptly bayonetted to death. Over 2,700 civilians perished in this massacre, which the Japanese Kwantung Army claimed to be justified under its program of exterminating "bandits." Shortly thereafter, KOISO sent to the Vice-Minister of War ann "Outline for Guiding Manchukuo" in which he said: "Racial struggle between Japanese and Chinese is to be expected. therefore, we must never hesitate to wield military power in case of necessity." In this spirit, the practice of massacring, or "punishing" as the Japanese termed it, the inhabitants of cities and towns in retaliation for actual or supposed aid rendered to Chinese troops was applied. This practice continued throughout the China War; the worst example of its being the massacre of the inhabitants of Nanking in December 1937.


1931年末には中国軍主力は万里の長城の内側まで撤退していたが、日本軍に対する抵抗は満州のあちこちに分散した東北抗日義勇軍によって維持された。関東軍(The Kwantung Army)の情報機関は1932年に結成された義勇軍、いわゆる路軍を多数列挙した。これらの義勇軍奉天(Mukden)、海城(Haisheng)、営口(Yingkow)周辺で活動した。1932年8月、奉天附近で戦闘が発生した。戦闘が最も激化した1932年8月8日、小磯国昭陸軍次官が関東軍参謀長兼特務部長に任命された。
1932年9月16日、敗退した抗日義勇軍を追跡中の日本軍が、撫順(Fushun)近郊の平頂山(Pingtingshan)、千金堡(Chienchinpao)、栗家淘(Litsekou)に進出した。これらの住民は日本軍によって「匪賊」と呼ばれている抗日義勇軍を匿ったと非難された。それぞれの集落で、日本軍は住民を集め跪かせ、その上でこれらの一般市民の男女や子どもを機関銃で殺害し、機関銃で撃ち漏らした生存者は銃剣で刺殺された。2700人以上の市民がこの虐殺で殺害され、日本の関東軍は「匪賊」を殲滅するための作戦の正当性を主張した。その直後、小磯関東軍参謀長は陸軍次官に"Outline for Guiding Manchukuo"を送り、その中で、「日中の民族闘争が予想されるので、我々は必要な時に軍事力の行使を躊躇してはならない」と述べた。この精神で虐殺の実践された。すなわち日本側の言う「膺懲」であり、中国軍を援助したことに対する報復であった。この実践が日中戦争を通じて行われ、その最悪の事例が1937年12月の南京住民に対する虐殺である。



Since the Government of Japan officially classified the China War as an "Incident" and considered Chinese soldiers in Manchuria as "bandits", the Army refused to accord to captives taken in the fighting the status and the rights of Prisoners of War. MUTO says that it was officially decided in 1938 to continue to call the war in China and "Incident" and to continue for that reason to refuse to apply the rules of war to the conflict. TOJO told us the same.
Many of the captured Chinese were tortured, massacred, placed in labor units to work for the Japanese Army, or organized into army units to serve the puppet governments established by Japan in the conquered territory in China. Some of these captives who refused to serve in these armies were transported to Japan to relieve the labor shortage in the munitions industries. At the camp at Akita, on the northwest shore of Honshu Island, 418 Chinese out of a group of 981 so transported to Japan died from starvation, torture or neglect.



