東京裁判判決を読む(Chapter VIII Conventional War Crimes (Atrocities) )1


第8章内の最初の節は「Allegation That the Laws of War Did Not Apply To the Conduct of the War in China」である。すなわち「中国での戦争における行為には戦時国際法が適用されないという主張」で日本側の主張を意味している。

Allegation That the Laws of War Did Not Apply To the Conduct of the War in China

From the outbreak of the Mukden Incident till the end of the war, the successive Japanese Governments refused to acknowledge that the hostilities in China constituted a war. They persistently called it an "Incident." With this as an excuse, the military authorities persistently asserted that the rules of war did not apply in the conduct of the hostilities.
This war was envisaged by Japan's military leaders as a punitive war, which was being fought to punish the people of China for their refusal to acknowledge the superiority and leadership of the Japanese race and to cooperate with Japan. These military leaders intended to make the war so brutal and savage in all its consequences as to break the will of the Chinese people to resist.


満州事変(the Mukden Incident)が発生してから戦争が終わるまで、日本政府は中国での敵対行為が戦争を構成すると認めることを拒否し、一貫してこれを「事変」と呼んだ。このような言い訳で、日本軍当局はこの敵対行為には戦時国際法の規則が適用されないと主張し続けた。

As the Southern movement advanced to cut off aid to Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek, the Chief-of-Staff of the Central China Expeditionary Force, on 24 July 1939, sent an estimate of the situation to War Minister ITAGAKI. In that estimate of the situation, he said: "The Army Air Force should carry out attacks upon strategic points in the hinterland in order to terrorize the enemy forces and civilians, and so develop among them an anti-war, pacifist tendency. What we expect of offensive operations against the interior is the mental terror they will create among the enemy forces and civilians rather than the material damage inflicted direct upon enemy personnel and equipment. We will wait and see them falling into nervous prostration in an excess of terror and madly starting anti-Chiang and pacifist movements."
Government and military spokesmen alike from time to time stated that the purpose of the war was to make the Chinese people "seriously reflect" upon the error of their ways, which in effect meant acceptance of Japanese domination.



HIROTA, in February 1938, speaking in the House of Peers, said "Japan has been endeavoring to make the Chinese Nationalist Government make reflections, if possible, while chastising their mistaken ideas by armed force . . ." In the same speech, he said "Since they were facing Japan with very strong anti-Japanese feeling, we decided on a policy whereby we had to necessarily chastise them."



HIRANUMA began his "stimulation of the national morale" by a speech to the Diet on 221 January 1939, in which he said: "In regard to the China Incident upon which both the Cabinet and the people are concentrating their endeavors, there exists an immutable policy for which Imperial Sanction was obtained by the previous Cabinet. The present Cabinet is of course committed to the same policy. I hope the intention of Japan will be understood by the Chinese so that they may cooperate with us. As for those who fail to understand, we hav no other alternative than to exterminate them."


平沼騏一郎首相は、1939年1月21日の国会演説で「国民士気高揚」を掲げて、「現下我ガ国朝野ヲ挙ゲテ対処シツツアリマスル支那事変(the China Incident)ニ対シマシテハ、曩ニ畏クモ聖断ヲ仰ギ奉リ、確固不動ノ方針ガ定メラレテ居リマシテ、之ニ基イテ必要ナル諸般ノ施策ガ進メラレテ居ルノデアリマス、現内閣ニ於キマシテモ、固ヨリ此ノ根本方針ニ基キマシテ、飽ク迄所期ノ目的達成ニ邁進致ス所存デアリマス、申ス迄モナク日満支三国ガ相互ニ十分ナル理解ノ上ニ立ッテ、相提携シテ政治ニ、経済ニ、将又文化ニ、互助連携、友好善隣ノ実ヲ挙ゲ、之ヲ以テ東亜興隆ノ基ト為スコトハ我ガ国肇国ノ精神ヲ顕現スル道デアリ、不動ノ国是デアリマシテ(略)支那側ニ於キマシテモ能ク此ノ帝国ノ大精神ヲ諒解シ、些カノ疑惧モ何等ノ誤解モ持ツコトナク、速カニ之ニ協力スルノデナケレバ、東亜ノ新秩序建設ハ成ラヌノデアリマス、若シ今日以後ニ於テモ飽ク迄之ヲ理解スルコトナク、抗日ヲ継続スルモノニ対シテハ、断乎トシテ之ヲ潰滅スルコトアルノミデアリマス」と述べている(昭和十四年一月二十二日貴族院議事速記第二号)。





*3:陸相在任 1939年1月5日~9月4日。その後、支那派遣軍総参謀長に就任。